Custom Login URL support
Many of my client sites use security plugins to change the login url from wp-login to a customized alias. It would be great if we get an optional login url field in the dashboard (of a specific site). If its empty, use the normal redirect, in the other case, use this url to redirect me from the mainWP dashboard to the client site login.
Tyler 1 day ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Custom Login URL support
Many of my client sites use security plugins to change the login url from wp-login to a customized alias. It would be great if we get an optional login url field in the dashboard (of a specific site). If its empty, use the normal redirect, in the other case, use this url to redirect me from the mainWP dashboard to the client site login.
Tyler 1 day ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Plugin Updates by Tags
I need to be able to apply plugin and theme updates to sites based on tags. For example I tag sites based on which server they are on and I’d like to be able to isolate updates to a single or group of servers as opposed to only one site at a time or all.
Basil 5 days ago
UI & Usability Suggestions
Plugin Updates by Tags
I need to be able to apply plugin and theme updates to sites based on tags. For example I tag sites based on which server they are on and I’d like to be able to isolate updates to a single or group of servers as opposed to only one site at a time or all.
Basil 5 days ago
UI & Usability Suggestions
Fix Gridster
If you’re going to persist with Grister, please fix it. There are so many layout bugs. In the 1/3 column Updates Overview module, make the content panels full width. Make the 1/3 column Site Hardening and Connection Status module containers actually span the width of the column. Make all modules resizable to either 1/3 or 1/2 columns. Find and fix the issue where the whole page layout just breaks, where content overspills the container, and modules are overlaid and overlapping each other. And make the order of modules on mobile inherit the layout order from desktop, or independently moveable. If it’s a ME problem, fix it on Microsoft Edge, and a standard 13inch Microsoft Pro; without suggesting i use a different browser or a proper 27inch screen. Better yet, use Grid - anything - anything that works. I’m noone, and you won’t cry if you lose me, but i am getting fed up to the point of looking for alternatives.
Andrew 7 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Fix Gridster
If you’re going to persist with Grister, please fix it. There are so many layout bugs. In the 1/3 column Updates Overview module, make the content panels full width. Make the 1/3 column Site Hardening and Connection Status module containers actually span the width of the column. Make all modules resizable to either 1/3 or 1/2 columns. Find and fix the issue where the whole page layout just breaks, where content overspills the container, and modules are overlaid and overlapping each other. And make the order of modules on mobile inherit the layout order from desktop, or independently moveable. If it’s a ME problem, fix it on Microsoft Edge, and a standard 13inch Microsoft Pro; without suggesting i use a different browser or a proper 27inch screen. Better yet, use Grid - anything - anything that works. I’m noone, and you won’t cry if you lose me, but i am getting fed up to the point of looking for alternatives.
Andrew 7 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Poll Users on Dashboard Usage and Preferred Features
"I use the dashboard Overview page most of the time. This is where live when I view my dashboard. I know the above requests favour people like myself who are more hands-on with their sites directly but I suspect many MainWP users use the dashboard like I do and would prefer the Overview page to be more useful with cleaner UI. It would be good for MainWP to poll MainWP dashboard users to see which pages they use most in the dashboard site, why they use those pages and whether they would prefer some features added to the Overview page." ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
📥 Company & Business Feedback
Poll Users on Dashboard Usage and Preferred Features
"I use the dashboard Overview page most of the time. This is where live when I view my dashboard. I know the above requests favour people like myself who are more hands-on with their sites directly but I suspect many MainWP users use the dashboard like I do and would prefer the Overview page to be more useful with cleaner UI. It would be good for MainWP to poll MainWP dashboard users to see which pages they use most in the dashboard site, why they use those pages and whether they would prefer some features added to the Overview page." ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
📥 Company & Business Feedback
Enhance Top Bar with All Sites Overview Status Information
"The top bar of the dashboard could do with some love. There is lots of space in that thar bar. Add an All Sites Overview status section to the top of every dashboard page: Sites: x/y (disconnected/connected) New Posts: X in Y days New Pages: X in Y days New Comments: X in Y days Plugins: Activated | Deactivated since last sync" ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Enhance Top Bar with All Sites Overview Status Information
"The top bar of the dashboard could do with some love. There is lots of space in that thar bar. Add an All Sites Overview status section to the top of every dashboard page: Sites: x/y (disconnected/connected) New Posts: X in Y days New Pages: X in Y days New Comments: X in Y days Plugins: Activated | Deactivated since last sync" ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Plugin Update Verification: Check for Plugin Existence
"Moving onto something else within the dashboard site: updates. After plugin updates the dashboard should confirm that the status of each updated plugin has not changed, even check that the plugin still exists in each site it was previously in? Sometimes plugins get deleted on update (this is a known WP issue that affects mostly multisites but which can affect regular sites too). So, has the updated plugin deactivated itself? Is it still active? Has it vanished? These are important questions to answer for every site admin after plugin updates." ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Plugin Update Verification: Check for Plugin Existence
"Moving onto something else within the dashboard site: updates. After plugin updates the dashboard should confirm that the status of each updated plugin has not changed, even check that the plugin still exists in each site it was previously in? Sometimes plugins get deleted on update (this is a known WP issue that affects mostly multisites but which can affect regular sites too). So, has the updated plugin deactivated itself? Is it still active? Has it vanished? These are important questions to answer for every site admin after plugin updates." ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Rename Non MainWP Changes Widget
"On the same Overview page please change the Non MainWP Changes widget to an All Changes widget and give us a selection filter: All Changes, Main WP Changes and Non Main WP Changes. Give us a way to sort by ascending, descending or random date order. It is good to be able to see non MainWP changes in the Overview page but the data is not very useful when there is no way to arrange the order of the items listed. Including MainWP changes in the widget would make it easier for us to quickly see potential issues or changes. It is the widget in the Overview page so should give an overview of all changes, right?" ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Rename Non MainWP Changes Widget
"On the same Overview page please change the Non MainWP Changes widget to an All Changes widget and give us a selection filter: All Changes, Main WP Changes and Non Main WP Changes. Give us a way to sort by ascending, descending or random date order. It is good to be able to see non MainWP changes in the Overview page but the data is not very useful when there is no way to arrange the order of the items listed. Including MainWP changes in the widget would make it easier for us to quickly see potential issues or changes. It is the widget in the Overview page so should give an overview of all changes, right?" ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Restore Connection Status Filter in Overview Widget
"Discussing the same widget on the Overview page, please restore the connection status filter. Get rid of the three dots and give us back the list: All Sites, Connected Sites, Disconnected Sites. These are essential filters and so should be easy to activate." ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
UI & Usability Suggestions
Restore Connection Status Filter in Overview Widget
"Discussing the same widget on the Overview page, please restore the connection status filter. Get rid of the three dots and give us back the list: All Sites, Connected Sites, Disconnected Sites. These are essential filters and so should be easy to activate." ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
UI & Usability Suggestions
Connection Status Widget: Visible Icons Instead of Hidden Menu
"The Connection Status widget on the Overview page should list domains with 3 visible icons + the site icon next to each site name: site icon, WP Admin icon, View Frontend icon, Edit Main WP Settings icon. It makes little sense to hide these actions behind 3 dots on a desktop sized screen or even on a laptop." ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
UI & Usability Suggestions
Connection Status Widget: Visible Icons Instead of Hidden Menu
"The Connection Status widget on the Overview page should list domains with 3 visible icons + the site icon next to each site name: site icon, WP Admin icon, View Frontend icon, Edit Main WP Settings icon. It makes little sense to hide these actions behind 3 dots on a desktop sized screen or even on a laptop." ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
UI & Usability Suggestions
Overview Page Customization & Aesthetic Overload
"The Overview page is where I spend most of my time. Make it easier to customize. There is way too much white space too much nice styling for aesthetics. I prefer a clean dashboard that is functional over a nice looking dashboard with aesthetic distractions and which hides features behind menu dots." ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
UI & Usability Suggestions
Overview Page Customization & Aesthetic Overload
"The Overview page is where I spend most of my time. Make it easier to customize. There is way too much white space too much nice styling for aesthetics. I prefer a clean dashboard that is functional over a nice looking dashboard with aesthetic distractions and which hides features behind menu dots." ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
UI & Usability Suggestions
Dashboard Widget Layout Misalignment on Laptops
"Generally speaking I enjoy working with MainWP but the dashboard layout is funky (see, I didn’t say ‘off’? lol) on different screens. The widgets can be positioned to look great on desktop screens but then they go out of whack on Laptop screens. It is not that the widgets do not stack so much as they skip placement slots in the grid leaving gaps" ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
UI & Usability Suggestions
Dashboard Widget Layout Misalignment on Laptops
"Generally speaking I enjoy working with MainWP but the dashboard layout is funky (see, I didn’t say ‘off’? lol) on different screens. The widgets can be positioned to look great on desktop screens but then they go out of whack on Laptop screens. It is not that the widgets do not stack so much as they skip placement slots in the grid leaving gaps" ~ Split by Dennis from a larger post by Lee.
Lee 8 days ago
UI & Usability Suggestions
Uptime monitor
Getting an email alert when website was up and telling me for how long it was down, was a very interesting function of Advanced Uptime Monitor. Would’t it be great to get that with the MainWP Uptime Monitor ?
Stéphane 10 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Uptime monitor
Getting an email alert when website was up and telling me for how long it was down, was a very interesting function of Advanced Uptime Monitor. Would’t it be great to get that with the MainWP Uptime Monitor ?
Stéphane 10 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Chrome extension link to dashboard
Currently, when I click the Chrome extension, the link goes to the dashboard site, but I still have to click a few times to do anything useful. Can you make that link go to the MainWP Dashboard or configurable so we can tell it the page we want it to direct to?
Jodi 11 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Chrome extension link to dashboard
Currently, when I click the Chrome extension, the link goes to the dashboard site, but I still have to click a few times to do anything useful. Can you make that link go to the MainWP Dashboard or configurable so we can tell it the page we want it to direct to?
Jodi 11 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Switch to a different Child Site while in a Child Site settings page
When I’m looking at settings for a particular child site (e.g., Monitor Settings), it would be nice to be able to switch to looking at the same page on a different child site. Example: I use Siteground hosting and site I’m looking at shows in a dropdown menu in the top left corner. Say I’m looking at the cache settings for that site. I can quickly switch to another one of my sites using the dropdown, but stay on the same cache settings page. It looks similar to the dropdown in MainWP, but the only options there are to remove site or go to WP Admin. It’d be nice if either there or somewhere else, you could switch to another site and stay on the same settings page. Currently, I have to click Manage Sites, find the site, then find the correct settings page again.
Bojan 11 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Switch to a different Child Site while in a Child Site settings page
When I’m looking at settings for a particular child site (e.g., Monitor Settings), it would be nice to be able to switch to looking at the same page on a different child site. Example: I use Siteground hosting and site I’m looking at shows in a dropdown menu in the top left corner. Say I’m looking at the cache settings for that site. I can quickly switch to another one of my sites using the dropdown, but stay on the same cache settings page. It looks similar to the dropdown in MainWP, but the only options there are to remove site or go to WP Admin. It’d be nice if either there or somewhere else, you could switch to another site and stay on the same settings page. Currently, I have to click Manage Sites, find the site, then find the correct settings page again.
Bojan 11 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Tags everywhere
Once Tags are applied to sites these tags should be available on all views not only some
Armin 11 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Tags everywhere
Once Tags are applied to sites these tags should be available on all views not only some
Armin 11 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Cloudflare Plugin Integration
The existing Cloudflare plugin works great across WordPress sites and now has integration with WP Rocket. One thing that I wish I could do, is auto-update WordPress websites with the Global API Key and username and have then be able to manage the Cloudflare plugin from MainWP across all the sites, as they all basically have the exact same config and the connection functionality to Cloudflare already exists inside of the plugin itself. It matches the Global API key and email address to the domain of the site and then it’s linked. Would be great to have that happen upon adding a website to MainWP and also have it install the plugin upon site connection.
Aaron 13 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Cloudflare Plugin Integration
The existing Cloudflare plugin works great across WordPress sites and now has integration with WP Rocket. One thing that I wish I could do, is auto-update WordPress websites with the Global API Key and username and have then be able to manage the Cloudflare plugin from MainWP across all the sites, as they all basically have the exact same config and the connection functionality to Cloudflare already exists inside of the plugin itself. It matches the Global API key and email address to the domain of the site and then it’s linked. Would be great to have that happen upon adding a website to MainWP and also have it install the plugin upon site connection.
Aaron 13 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Cloudflare Plugin Integration
The existing Cloudflare plugin works great across WordPress sites and now has integration with WP Rocket. One thing that I wish I could do, is auto-update WordPress websites with the Global API Key and username and have then be able to manage the Cloudflare plugin from MainWP across all the sites, as they all basically have the exact same config and the connection functionality to Cloudflare already exists inside of the plugin itself. It matches the Global API key and email address to the domain of the site and then it’s linked. Would be great to have that happen upon adding a website to MainWP and also have it install the plugin upon site connection.
Aaron 13 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Cloudflare Plugin Integration
The existing Cloudflare plugin works great across WordPress sites and now has integration with WP Rocket. One thing that I wish I could do, is auto-update WordPress websites with the Global API Key and username and have then be able to manage the Cloudflare plugin from MainWP across all the sites, as they all basically have the exact same config and the connection functionality to Cloudflare already exists inside of the plugin itself. It matches the Global API key and email address to the domain of the site and then it’s linked. Would be great to have that happen upon adding a website to MainWP and also have it install the plugin upon site connection.
Aaron 13 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Integrate Pro Report data with Google Looker studio
If possible at all, it would be fantastic to be able to extract data to Google Looker Studio where it is so easy to setup some really nice reporting. WOW! - and thanks a lot :-)
Chrilles 14 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)
Integrate Pro Report data with Google Looker studio
If possible at all, it would be fantastic to be able to extract data to Google Looker Studio where it is so easy to setup some really nice reporting. WOW! - and thanks a lot :-)
Chrilles 14 days ago
Core Requests (Dashboard/Child)