Hide My WP Ghost work plugin tech support response:"Seems that for your website, MainWP needs the wp-admin path unchanged.We checked with different configurations and I could sync the MainWP Child and update the plugins and security only when the wp-admin was unchanged."Can you make a setting in MainWP so that when adding a site there is a field where you can specify a different admin path? that MainWP worked if instead of wp-admin I specify a different path, for example site-name-admin. that is, the path to the plugins will not be the same/wp-admin/plugins.phpand such/13-admin/plugins.phpor any other path to the admin panel that I need. This is an important security feature that hides WordPress from users.do you need to make an official request from Hide My WP Ghost tech support? or you will make compatibility without it.I want MainWP to work well with Hide My WP Ghost, but now I have to disable the function that hides the admin area
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